Spray TanPrep
Schedule Other Services First:
Schedule services like hair, nails, waxing, facials, and massages at least two days before your spray tan. This prevents any residues from these services that might compromise your tan.
Exfoliate Before Your Appointment:
Use a spa-grade exfoliator one day before your tan to gently exfoliate. ensure all shaving is completed to remove dead skin cells and leave your skin fresh and renewed.
Tip: I love to use shampoo and an exfoliation glove to exfoliate!
Stay Hydrated, Inside and Out:
Hydration is key to a long-lasting tan. Drink plenty of water and replenish your skin with a quality moisturizer several times per day leading up to your appointment.
Arrive With Clean Skin:
If necessary, shower with water, no soaps, hours before the tan to remove lotions, makeup, perfumes, and deodorants which cause uneven development.
Tip: watch out for razors with lotion strips on them. These can effect your tan and give you lines.
Wear Loose-Fitting Clothing:
Bring loose, dark-colored cotton pants and a shirt to dress into after your appointment while your tan develops. Avoid leggings, close-toes shoes, bras, and other restrictive clothing.
Tip: On cold/rainy/snowy days the best shoes to wear are anything with a soft fur inside like Uggs.